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Mobile Suit Gundam - Vol. 2 Jaburo

release information
game:Kidou Senshi Gundam - Vol. 2 Jaburo
release:106 / 188
date released:2001-08-20
release nfo file
  .__  ___________________  ______  _______  _______________________________|_
  | __/   _      \       /    ______\_     \                               .|
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  .                           -rtx/art                                     .|
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   .   /                 '                                                  .
  |::.               ..: P R O U D L Y  P R E S E N T S :..                 |

                Mobile Suit Gundam - Volume 2 - JABURO (c) Bandai

  :-------------------------------- ---:.
  |  RELEASE INFORMATION.............  |
  |  Language......: Japanese          |  Supplied by...: E-DO              |
  |  Genre.........: Action            |  System........: WonderSwam COLOR  |
  |  Size..........: 64Mbits           |                                    |
  :--- --------------------------------|  Note..........:                   |
                                       |                :                   |
                                       :-------------------------------- ---:.

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  :-------------------------------- ---:.
  |  MEMBERS LIST....................  |
 .:------------------------------------:--- --------------------------------:
  |  -  Amptor  -  CQBS  -  Creep  -   |  INTERNET/BBS HEADQUARTERS.......  |
  | -  Duz  -  Fazwonga!  -  McFly  -  |------------------------------------:
  |                                    |  Deadlous Encounter    [.WHQ.]     |
  :--- --------------------------------|  Cardiac Arrest        [.USHQ]     |
                                       |  Drugstore             [.RHQ/FTP]  |
                                       |  Pirates H. Console    [USHQ/FTP]  |
                                       |                                    |
                                       |  Contact E-mail []  |
                                       :-------------------------------- ---:.

                    - -- ------------------------------ -- -

  :-------------------------------- ---:.
  |  JOIN THE SKOOL..................  |
 .:------------------------------------:--- --------------------------------:
  |  We search suppliers for european  |  GREETINGS/RESPECTS..............  |
  |  and international/english gameboy |------------------------------------:
  |  color, neo geo pocket and n64     |  Anthrox & Swat, Arcadia, Capital, |
  |  games.                            |  Eurasia, Gewalt, High Society,    |
  :--- --------------------------------|  Nightfall, NIL, Paradox, Menace,  |
                                       |  Quasar, SNK, SR , The Corporation |
                                       |  and Lightforce.                   |
                                       :-------------------------------- ---:.

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